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Classic massage is one of the most popular forms of massage with healing properties. It is used in the therapy of motor organs. It can be complete or partial, that is, focusing on specific parts of the body. Properly performed, it has a beneficial effect on the body. The treatments improve the mobility of joints and muscles and increase their flexibility. Thanks to it, you can forget what back pain is.
It should be performed by a masseur or physical therapist. The main techniques of classical massage include: vibration, rolling, stroking, kneading. Such a procedure can take up to an hour. Performing these treatments is recommended in the states of spine deformation or pains in individual muscle groups.
It has a number of positive effects. It activates the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, thanks to which oxygen and nutrients reach the body in large amounts. It also affects the nervous system - it stimulates or calms down, causing more efficient transmission of stimuli to the muscles. It also affects the digestive system, accelerating the absorption of nutrients and the process of burning matter. In addition, massage has a beneficial effect on the skin: it removes dead epidermis and also makes it easier to breathe, making it firmer.
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